
Peaks: Biorhythmus Tracker

We're excited to introduce a new feature that enhances how you manage your sleep data. Sleep Data Manager Now, you can take full control of your sleep history with our new Sleep Manager. This feature allows you to edit past entries and add any missing nights, ensuring that every detail of your rest is captured accurately. Plus, we've improved how sleep stage data is managed—now, your sleep stage information is preserved and merged seamlessly when you make edits. Bug Fixes and Enhancements We've also implemented numerous bug fixes and made several enhancements across the app. These improvements are designed to boost stability and refine your interaction with Peaks, making your experience as smooth as possible. That’s all for this update! We're incredibly thankful for your support and can't wait for you to try out the new Sleep Manager. More exciting updates are on the way! Best, Flo & Clemens
